Genesis 3:13
...The serpent beguiled me and I did eat.
Beguiled | (c) M.M.Hewitt 2015 Downloading of this image for any purpose without permission is prohibited.
Eve has always fascinated me as a person. What was going through her mind at that moment where she decided to eat the fruit. I never thought she was one to flagrantly disobey her Father, and I never thought the serpent's argument was that great. And so I always wondered what it was that made her think partaking of the fruit was a good idea. With the knowledge I've received from attending the Temple, I know more. And yet I still wonder about that moment, the one where she reached out her hand, if she could comprehend what it was that she was about to do, if she had some foresight into what life would be like not just for her and her husband, but for all mankind after. Did she feel any amount of pressure on her shoulders as she made that decision, an almost unilateral decision, no consultation with her husband, to openly disobey and thus throw them into hardships and pain?
I am fascinated by motivations. What causes people to do what they do? Why did they make certain decisions? What purpose do they see behind it? Our motivations speak to who we are as a person, our WHY for what we do. But what we do with the outcome of our decisions molds us into something new, metamorphosing our motivations which make us decide differently than we may have before thus giving us new outcomes which mold us and the cycle continues. I believe the woman Eve became after her decision to eat was a far stronger woman than the one she would have been had she not and lived in Paradise forever. She owned up to the outcome of the decision she made and so became better. She gets a lot of flack in some religious circles, but I think there is more to her story than is let on in the Bible. And I can't wait to ask her what it is.